Create your own greeting card in just a few minutes with a simple online tool! Learn how to quickly design an eye-catching, personalized card without any graphic skills. Check out the step-by-step guide!
Handmade cards have something magical about them – they are not just a piece of paper with wishes, but also a signal that someone really tried hard. Do you have an idea for a unique card for a loved one, but you lack graphic skills? Don’t worry, Canva will solve this problem. This is a simple online tool that will allow you to design your own card in just a few minutes. You don’t have to be a graphic designer or a Photoshop master – seriously, anyone can do it!
Why Canva?
Okay, but why Canva? Because it is super intuitive, has a lot of ready-made templates and works on the drag-and-drop principle. And above all – basic functions are free. You can design something nice even quickly, on the tram or during a break at work. Perfect when you remembered your aunt’s birthday at the last minute, or you decided that everyone would get special Christmas postcards from you this year.
Where to start?
Sign in to Canva
If you don’t have an account yet, simply register via email, Facebook or Google at The free version really packs a punch, so you don’t have to buy a Premium subscription right away.
Choose the card format
After logging in, click “Create project” and enter “greeting card” in the search engine. Canva itself will suggest the appropriate format – most often it is 14.8 x 10.5 cm (A6), but there are also other options. You can also choose the “custom size” option if you have a specific idea.
Browse ready-made templates
This is the moment when you will really appreciate Canva. Here you will find hundreds of ready-made designs for every occasion – from birthdays to holidays and weddings. Browse the categories or enter a keyword such as “birthday”, “Christmas card” or “romantic”. If a design catches your eye, just click “Edit this template.”
Adapt the design to your needs
Now the real fun begins. Canva gives you plenty of options to customize the template to your liking.
- Edit text: Click on any inscription, change its content, font, color or size. Try to make the text legible – beautiful decorations will be of no use if our aunt, created for this article, does not read the wishes.
- Add your photos: Do you want the card to be more personal? Upload your own photo! You can drag them from your computer or use free graphics in the Canva library.
- Play with colors and elements: You can change the background, add stickers, icons or illustrations. Everything works on a drag-and-drop basis, so if you don’t like something, you can always remove it with one click.
- Animations? Why not!: If the card is to be sent digitally, you can add animations to make it even more impressive on the recipient. Just click on “Animation” and choose the effect that suits you.
Downloading a card generated in Canva
When the project is ready, it is worth taking a look at it from a distance. Check whether all texts are set correctly and whether there are any typos.
If everything is OK, click “Download”. Canva allows you to export in various formats – PDF, PNG, JPG. If you want to print the card, it is best to download it as a PDF for printing – it will be of better quality.
How to print a card?
If you have a printer at home, that’s half the battle. Choose thicker paper – regular xerox paper may look a bit too poor. Paper with a grammage of 200-300 g/m² will work perfectly. If you don’t have a printer, you can use a printing point (e.g. at Rossman) – it doesn’t cost a fortune and the quality should be satisfactory.
Ready card – what next?
Voila! Your hand-designed greeting card is ready. You can give it in person or send it by post – nowadays such gestures really make an impression. If you have created a digital version, simply send it via email or instant messaging.