AMETIC is back in action and has already announced the programme for the 38th Digital Economy and Telecommunications Meeting, which will be held from 2 to 4 September. This key event for the sector will take place in Santander, within the framework of the Menéndez Pelayo International University’s summer courses, and will bring together business, government and academic leaders, both national and international.

Under the motto ‘Collaboration in action. Ready for change’ and in collaboration with Banco Santander, AMETIC will discuss the best way to prepare for change, minimising risks and promoting cooperation between countries, territories, companies and administrations. The programme will include debates on the three State Pacts that AMETIC proposes: reindustrialisation, innovation and training, in order to bring attendees closer to the technological reality and its impact on the economy and society.

We define ourselves as collaborative and proactive. We like to make proposals. This year we are going to present in public, in Santander, the microelectronics proposal for Spain, which has been developed at AMETIC. It is a proposal that comes from the industry and we will make it available to society, the government and the entities so that they can implement it if they consider it appropriate.“, Mier said.


AMETIC will thus once again transform the Menéndez Pelayo International University into an essential meeting point for representatives of the technological and digital field, with the presence of prominent Spanish and European authorities related to the Digital Economy.

The Meeting will have a significant institutional presence. Among those confirmed are Jordi Hereu, Minister of Industry and Tourism; José Luis Escrivá, Minister for Digital Transformation and Public Service; María González Veracruz, Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures; and Carme Artigas, Co-President of the United Nations High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence.

During the presentation of the 38th Meeting’s programme, Pedro Mier, president of AMETIC, announced that this year a proposal for a microelectronics strategy for Spain will be presented, aimed at strengthening the industrial sector.

TThree days to show the reality of the technological world

The meeting will take place over three days. The first will focus on industry and strategic autonomy, including a round table on a State pact for reindustrialisation, with ministers and high-level representatives. Topics such as energy sustainability, connected industry and digital health will be discussed.

The second day will focus on artificial intelligence, social change and training, highlighting a State pact for education and training. Pilar Roch, general director of AMETIC, emphasises the concept of “technology for good”. Connectivity, cloud computing, cybersecurity, geopolitics, SMEs and public-private collaboration will also be addressed.

The third day will focus on science, innovation and productivity, with an emphasis on a State Innovation Pact. Leading scientific figures will participate and the AMETIC 2024 Digital Economy Barometer will be presented. In addition, quantum, photonic and chip technologies will be discussed, and companies that have excelled in digital transformation will be awarded the “AMETIC Award for Excellence in Quantum Technologies 2024”.