Last week, Nacho Saezgeneral director of MKM Computer Publications, editor of Byte TI, collected one of the awards awarded at the AAPP ICT CIOs Social Gala, for his support and notable contribution to the digital transformation of Public Administrations. During his acceptance speech, Sáez highlighted that “this is an award that reflects the efforts of all the members that make up Byte TI, which has always been committed to promoting the digitalization of Public Administrations. As a result, ByTIC was born three years ago and focuses on promoting this work.
The event, which was held at the Cultural Center of the Armies of Madrid, also served to thank the work of Fernando Martín, for his 40 years of service in the Public Administration and who received his award from the hands of Enriqueta Chicano, president of the Court of accounts. Also awarded at the meeting were Consuelo Sánchez (INAP Director), Leonor Torres (President of the ASTIC Association and Foundation), Francisco Antón (President of the Big Data Foundation), Francisco Verderas (aslan), Fernando Muñoz (Foundry), Ambrosio Rodríguez (Computing), Gerardo Sánchez Revenga (AESMIDE) and Miguel Ángel de Bas (Innovation Club)